Your Beauty, Your Savings: Enjoy Exclusive Perks

Unlock Exclusive Beauty Savings for Just $99 a Month!

Experience exceptional value with our Beauty Bank membership. For only $99 each month, your fees accumulate into a Beauty Bank, offering you substantial discounts on a range of premium services—just like a savings account for your beauty needs!

Member-Exclusive Discounts Include:

  • $11/unit Botox/Xeomin
  • $50 off any filler product
  • 20% off laser treatments, Coolsculpting, facials, brow/lash treatments, and skincare products
  • $100 Weight Loss Consultation
  • $700 Semaglutide
  • $850 Tirzepatide
  • Free Surgical Consultation with Dr. Jones
  • $50 referral bonus for every new member you bring in
  • Exclusive invites to special events
  • Personalized Beauty Concierge Service

*Please note, $99 one-time signup fee and membership auto-renews annually.*

Questions? Contact us!